2025 Pre-K/Elementary
Workshop + Camp Descriptions
Speech and Language Therapy Workshops:
This workshop is designed for intensive speech and language support for students struggling in these areas. There will be explicit instruction in the areas of receptive, expressive, and pragmatic language as well as articulation. Each camp has different activities, and please feel free to sign up for more than one.
We will be working on following multi-step directions, requesting wants and needs, describing skills, sentence formation, turn-taking, and conversational skills through a variety of fun games and activities.
Pre-K 3 + 4 🧠Camp:
The student will….
practice letter recognition and letter sound identification
attend to stories and songs during whole group time
practice writing and identifying his/her name with correct letter formation
learn pre-reading skills (print directionality, identification of a letter vs. a word)
learn and practice one to one correspondence with numbers 1-20
recognize basic shapes, build patterns, and compare sets
Entering Kinder 🧠Camp:
The student will…
learn and recognize upper and lower case letters and letter sounds
practice writing his/her name with the correct pencil grip and letter formation
blend phonemes and identify initial sounds
develop confidence in responding to read-aloud and participating in circle time activities
focus on number recognition, identification, one to one correspondence, and creating/comparing sets
discover patterns in math
Entering First Grade 🧠Camp:
The student will…
continue practice with high frequency words
focus on word decoding skills and fluent reading
establish strong number sense and place value
discover patterns in math
learn strategies for solving word problems
Entering Second Grade 🧠Camp:
The student will...
focus on word reading skills with authentic texts
learn comprehension skills while maintaining fluent reading
practice with fiction and nonfiction texts
focus on number sense through math facts and place value
develop strategies for word problems
Entering Third Grade 🧠Camp:
The student will . . .
build confidence and prepare for a great third grade year
strengthen and review reading comprehension skills in both fiction and non fiction texts
review and practice writing great sentences, paragraphs and stories
develop a stronger math foundation focusing on number sense, place value, math facts and word problems
Entering Fourth Grade 🧠Camp:
The student will . .
build confidence and prepare for a great fourth grade year
build comprehension skills with a focus on summarizing, drawing conclusions, and inferencing
use text evidence to support comprehension in both fiction and non fiction texts
review and practice narrative and expository writing with a focus on grammar and conventions
develop a stronger math foundation focusing on number sense, place value, decimals and fractions, multiplication and division fluency, and strategies for solving multi-step word problems