$65 - Coupon Codes Accepted
(in person or fully virtual)
Students are all in-person at our Hola locations
12 students max present
Tune-In Students may be present, but the focus will be on the students present physically in the pop up
A "Drop-In" will be a pop-up created within an already meeting weekly group provided the group is not full. Max 9 students total in the group.
Micro Pop-Ups
$85 - Coupon Codes Accepted
(in person or fully virtual)
5-6 students max present
Created purposefully for more advanced and/or smaller classes
Last minute or pop-ups created the day the session takes place will be micro pop-ups.
Virtual Tune-Ins
$55 - Coupon Codes Accepted
Students purchase and “tune-in” to an in-person weekly group session that is live streamed
Focus is on the in-person weekly group students
Tune-In students can listen to the lesson and receive all documents and keys
Documents provided at least one hour prior to the session's start time
Zoom info found in confirmation email at time of purchase
Document Sales
$25 +
For pop-ups that students cannot attend, students have the option to purchase our reviews and keys
Not available for every pop-up...please inquire with the teacher running the session or the Director of that department. holahp.com/holatutors
Rates for AP, STAAR, Cram Sessions, and Back to School Reviews are $55/document